The Eco-War


Russia has been systematically destroying or stealing renewable energy sites in Ukraine. Background: On February 24th, 2022, the Russians invaded Ukraine and are still at war when I write this.  Jitters about new tech seem to be scaring Russia enough to make solar plants a target.  

 A Ukrainian commentator on UATV mentioned over 90% of renewable energy sites have been destroyed.  That's not random.


Germany hasn't been helping as much as, it could be wished.  But they did focus on this aspect, since they were so stung by the energy blackmail. 


Well maybe we should just get out from under the fossil fuels now?  Militaries will probably always need fossil fuels.  I accept that.  But I don't need it to fuel my home or car.  The local stores probably don't need it either for lighting or deliveries. There are alternatives, and scientists and engineers ready to implement them. Let's do it.

💙💛God bless the Ukrainians!💙💛

To help Ukraine, this is the best way to give:  United 24

If you want to only give humanitarian aid, focus on Unicef, you can give money and request it be used to help Ukraine. 

Be careful of scams as always. Better to use one of the above two options.  


You can also seek out refugee help centers and ask them if you can help. Be aware, those are usually churches.  This sometimes limits people's giving, since some people don't want to give to religious organizations. You can also limit your giving to certain organizations to gifts in kind.  If you think an organization may use your money for political gain that you don't agree with, you can just give items they need to carry on their work on behalf of people affected by a disaster. Many have an "Amazon wish list" that's updated with current needs, email them and ask.

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